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I want you to imagine a life where you are in control of your emotions and thoughts, where you have clarity and focus and the ability to choose exactly how to feel every moment of the day.

Does it sound surreal and unattainable? It sounded unbelievable to me as well, but I was desperate to change my life and to take control of my future. It is not about “snapping out of it” and “positive thinking” – the person who made that up obviously never suffered from Depression!

Depression is the sly monster that steals your happiness and freedom and turns you into someone that you will not recognise.

When you suffer from Depression, it usually goes hand in hand with Anxiety and Fear, as well as very low self-esteem and a distorted self-image. It is during this downward spiral that you feel there is no more hope as this pressing cloud of sadness and rejection hangs over you.

The truth is that Depression affects more people than we would like to admit, in fact, one out of every four working South African between the ages of 25 and 44 suffers from Depression. Or shall I say, suffer in silence, because there is still such a prejudice against this illness in the workplace. In fact, it is called a mental illness – and then it becomes something that you definitely do not want to talk about!

As someone who has suffered from Depression myself for many years, I can resonate with the fact that during that time I did not see any future or positive outcome for myself. Any normal activity became a challenge – the first thing, lifting your head from the pillow to start your day, was a challenge itself. Avoiding people and becoming anti-social This affected my work and personal relationships in a very negative way.

When you suffer from Depression, you are clearly not the person that you want to be, and your behaviour becomes destructive and even suicidal – which robs you from precious time with your loved ones and an amazing life.

The saddest part is that during that time where your Depression is at its worst, you don’t even care that you are sabotaging your relationships. You feel rejected and misunderstood because no-one really understands what you are going through, right?

The frustration and fear in believing that you will never be “normal” again and that the Depression will control your life forever are always in the back of your mind. It is very common to beat yourself up for feeling this way when all you really want is to feel and be perceived as “normal”.

Our mind runs and controls our entire internal world. It is, therefore, safe to say that if we want to change anything that we do not like about ourselves and our current reality, we need to understand the mind.

All our emotions are stored in our subconscious mind – whether it is happiness or pain, rejection, desperation or suffering and therefore our thoughts create the life we are experiencing! I know that this statement sounds a bit surreal, especially when you feel like you are literally trapped in this downward spiral of sadness and Depression.

The solution is to start living the cause side of life, and not the effect. We need to take control of our lives, by taking control of our internal world – this is possible through the Transformation Coaching System™ that we offer our clients!

The Transformation Coaching System™ that I offer at Jurie Fick Transformation Coaching is an alternative solution to contemporary doctors, medication and techniques. It is not a “magic” solution, but the techniques are effective and truly life-changing! As someone who understands the debilitating effects of Depression on your quality of life, I was searching for a solution that will deal with the root cause of this illness and find a permanent and positive outcome.

I found this solution in the Transformation Coaching System™ with its powerful and impactful techniques and outcomes.

I have followed this programme myself and it has been such a liberating feeling to know that I have taken charge of my healing journey!

The Life Transformation Coaching System™ Programme will:

  • Give you back your Confidence and Hope for the future;

  • Collapse and eliminate any Negative Emotion and Belief that is keeping you from healing;

  • Silence the Inner Conflict that is constantly telling you lies like “I am not good enough”, “I am not worthy”;

  • Install a new empowering Self-Image and a deep and UNCONDITIONAL love for YOURSELF!

I really go into the root cause of the Depression to eliminate and collapse all the negative emotions and beliefs that are holding you back from becoming the magnificent being that you were meant to be.

When you take control of our emotions, you will be able to create the life you want. That is a fact!

Most of us hold on to so much unprocessed negative emotions, that it literally becomes a burden and not only affects our lives on the outside, but it starts manifesting in our bodies as illnesses! Trapped emotion in our bodies are causing dis-ease within and affects our immune system; which causes us to get sick more often as well. It is a vicious circle that keeps us trapped in this negative state emotionally and physically.

If you have a desire to change your life and live the life of your dreams, we have the solution for you. The Transformation Coaching System™ Programme will not only give you back your hope and dreams, but you will truly experience a magnificent permanent transformation that you will feel on the inside which will be visible in your outside world to your family, colleagues and loved ones.

It is time to take control and live your Life’s True Purpose!


Let’s have a conversation to get to the root cause and help you deal with it.



Why is dealing with depression so difficult?

Depression drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to take the steps that will help you to feel better.

Sometimes, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like exercising or spending time with friends, can seem exhausting or impossible to put into action.

It’s the Catch-22 of depression recovery: The things that help the most are the things that are the most difficult to do.

There is a big difference, however, between something that’s difficult and something that’s impossible.

While recovering from depression isn’t quick or easy, you do have more control than you realize—even if your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent.

The key is to start small and build from there. You may not have much energy, but by drawing on all your reserves, you should have enough to take a walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one, for example.

Taking the first step is always the hardest. But going for a walk or getting up and dancing to your favourite music, for example, is something you can do right now.

And it can substantially boost your mood and energy for several hours—long enough to put a second recovery step into action, such as preparing a mood-boosting meal or arranging to meet an old friend.

By taking the following small but positive steps day by day, you’ll soon lift the heavy fog of depression and find yourself feeling happier, healthier, and more hopeful again.

For more information on our Online Transformation Coaching

The Life Transformation Coaching System™ and Programme will:

  • Give you back your Confidence and Hope for the future;

  • Collapse and eliminate any Negative Emotion and Belief that is keeping you from healing;

  • Silence the Inner Conflict that is constantly telling you lies like “I am not good enough”, “I am not worthy”;

  • Install a new empowering Self-Image and a deep and UNCONDITIONAL love for YOURSELF!

We really go into the root cause of the Depression to eliminate and collapse all the negative emotions and beliefs that are holding you back from becoming the magnificent being that you were meant to be. When you take control of our emotions, you will be able to create the life you want. That is a fact!

Most of us hold on to so much unprocessed negative emotions, that it literally becomes a burden and not only affects our lives on the outside, but it starts manifesting in our bodies as illnesses! Trapped emotion in our bodies are causing dis-ease within and affects our immune system; which causes us to get sick more often as well. It is a vicious circle that keeps us trapped in this negative state emotionally and physically.

If you have a desire to change your life and live the life of your dreams, we have the solution for you. The Transformation Coaching System™ and Programme will not only give you back your hope and dreams, but you will truly experience a magnificent permanent transformation that you will feel on the inside which will be visible in your outside world to your family, colleagues and loved ones.

It is time to take control and live your Life’s True Purpose!



Let’s have a conversation to get to the root cause and help you deal with it.

I Inspire People To Change And To Find Their True Unlimited Potential

How To Deal With Depression?

The question isn’t a matter of how can you over come it. The true way to deal with depression and anxiety is to find out what’s caused it? What’s lead you to feel the way you feel? Once you’ve found the cause you can then start to create a solution.

We are what we focus on .

Our self talk controls the state of our being . Also focus on your body language . Motion causes emotion so sometimes it’s best to switch up your daily routine . Take a walk get some sun and some air. Life is what you make it so make the best out of it

Also reflection. Getting behind your emotions and ask your self what is this depression trying to tell me?
I like to think of ourselves as our favourite car and the check engine light is a warning that servicing needs to be done.. we can reset the engine light but then it comes back and slowly makes the problem work .

Sometimes we just need to make slight choices that will put us in the position we want to be in and depression moves right out of our lives. As our lives become more of what we want.


I suffered with depression for ten years I was in a dark pit of sandpit, I even thought it was my own fault and even tried to commit suicide. So I know when your in the darkness their seems to be no light.

But there is, just need to Hold On Pain Ends

Its partly why i set out on a journey to study my mind from inside out.

My research showed me I suffered because i suppressed my feelings on my heart cause when you live from only outside in your feelings from the outer directive world have to go somewhere so know this your suffering is not your fault cause your conditioning is telling you to be this way.

In order to heal your suppressed feelings and express you got to go inside and originate new thought and feelings and start to forgive the pain you have lodged inside because for me my pain grew to angry and because whatever is inside the law of cause and effect your giving that to all.

But if you start to originate new thought and feeling with loving things and appreciate you will heal and then express through feeling. Because we are not thought to feel but feeling is the secret because its the book of life and its awaiting you to come inside and appreciate. As you then be focusing on the good of the loving things in your life.
A shift in your perception


Depression comes from suppressing your calling / purpose & living a limited concept of yourself. It’s a good sign & orientation that wants to show you: hello lovely, you are more than you may think right now! So go on the Beautiful Journey of finding, why you are here!

I overcame it & it was a necessary crisis out of that I grew more than ever!

I had a client that was depressed to say the least. After several questions and answers. I asked her when and where in her life did she feel most alive. She explain to me she used to be a runner and a dancer and go to different events and enjoy yourself. She said she was at her happiest moments back then.

She discovered that she no longer does those activities. And in fact was quite the reversal of that. Today she owns her happiness And does a lot of running, walking, and dancing.

Her depression was a voice trying to tell her that she was not doing what she was supposed to be doing. She embraced it for growth and greater understanding.

There are many techniques to make sure we are in a state Of ownership and happiness.


For things to change you must change. Develop happiness habits, read or listen to positive books and programs EVERYDAY, you are what you think about. Exercise everyday look at studies of exercise and depression.

Meditate, quiets the mind and you develop the muscle of being comfortable with being uncomfortable and 'checking' your mind. Write down 3 things you are thankful for daily, what you focus on expands and your mind will seek more reasons to be thankful.

Serve others, we must be a part of something greater than ourselves. Develop and work on relationships there is where most happiness lies.

Happiness is not something you pursue its something you become, study happiness, success and Human potential.

Do things you enjoyed in the past as much as you can. Wishing you the best. Hope this helps.



I Inspire People To Change

If you want to change the way you think, you will need to dedicate time and effort to the process. If you do, you will transform your life to become the Best Version of yourself.

To find out more, please click on the link below and I will contact you to set up an online session.




Let’s have a conversation to get to the root cause and help you deal with it.

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© 2018 Jurie Fick Transformation Coaching

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